For Sale $249,900
Located on a PRIVATE 2 acre (more or less)lot this 4 family dwelling offers endless possibilities. This property could be RESTORED INTO A SINGLE FAMILY HOME. Current Set-up is: Unit 1 (LR, DR, K, Bath, 27' x 10' Porch), Unit 2 (LR, K, BR, Bath), Unit 3 (LR, 2 BRs, K, Bath), Unit 4 (1 BR, K, Bath Studio Apt.). There is an attached garage and a 1 car detached garage and additional off-street parking. The owner pays all utilities. There is a shared laundry.
Owner's P & L Gross Annual Income: $0 Vacancy Percentage: Net Operation Income: $0 Estimate Annual Taxes: $5,919 |
Aproximate Lot Size 413x184x144x339x127 Status Contingent |
Units Available: 4
Contrary to media reports, home values in Pittsburgh are steady - far above the national average. In fact, locally our average sales price has increased over last year. If your are thinking of selling your home there is really no better time and no better place than Western Pennsylvania.
We would be happy to show you what your home is worth in today's market.